Tuesday, February 9, 2010

consider this a preface..... sort of.

Blogging, why do it? 
Nobody cares what I have to say, at least that's what I think. 

  I'm not doing this to satisfy any urges i may have or to lash out a life. This is the world as i see it. Fucked up, Synical, Backstabbing and Dark.  Oh sure there are bright spots, lots of things make me laugh and smile, but most things simply remind me that this is a ratrace and we're all in it. little programmed minions in a preformed cut out maze all searching for the cheese at the centre. Only here's what i've figured out so far. THERE"S NO CHEESE IN THE MIDDLE.  Just a high-res image of some cheese like substance. We've all been force fed this idea since we've been children " grow up, get a job, earn a pay cheque, get the house, car and 2.5 kids and everything will be roses"  If that's the hook, here's the sinker.  The people who have been feeding us these lines all of our lives are no better off now than they were when they were teenagers. There is no way out of debt, no happily ever after, no white picket fence around the house, none of that. Life is a struggle all the way from start to finish, and those who appear to fit whatever your definition of successful is, are probably struggling to reach their own definition of success.

  This is the best reasonably hand-drawn facsimile to a tharapist i can find at the moment, so look out readers (all two of you, one of which i'm sure is my mom) this is going to get dark, twisted, funny and wacky all together. 
 Here's some things to remember while reading, 
        1) I'm not negative, not all the time, i like to call myself a realist. That title however, presents a direct link to self esteem issues for all you psychology students out there. That's not me,  I prefer to think of this like a controlled alter ego. I can easily see both sides of every story and create valid arguments for both, this forum will be subjected to the stuff i'm not "allowed" to say in public.  Yes, i'm hiding behind my keyboard, picking a fight with the world.  Do i care? NO!
       2) I like to talk, and talk about myself. Yes i have an ego, and it's a big one. These entries will be all about me, me and oh yes, more ME. My entries will be more than likely hard to read, they'll be frank, scattered thoughts that sum up how my view of the world may or may not be changing.That's how i tell stories, so thats what you're going to get, deal with it.  If you've got an opinon, please share it. I don't care about it, but share it none the less.
       3) My spelling, grammar and punctuation are horrendous, it used to be stellar, then microsoft word ruined the english language and all need for authors to have anything more than two index fingers and 1/2 of a poorly constructed sentence.
      4) buckle up baby, because this is going to be a ride and a half. You'll yell and scream, wanna hit me, probably light a smoke and drink some whiskey all at the same time. I'm not wreckless just a little bit crazy.

 So here we go....  Welcome to the fucking Show.

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