Thursday, February 11, 2010

Leave the guy alone.

So , on the drive to the office this morning, the national standard for public broadcasting in Canada ( aka the cbc) aired a program that in essence destroyed a 30- something year old man for sleeping with a woman. and like every good ambulance chaser, i turned it up and tuned in.
 here's the story in a nutshell. this guy's 30ish years old, in an open relationship ( not married) with a woman for a long time.  the man decides to run for the mayors office of a large city. During his campaign he has sleeps with another woman would could be beneficial to his future career. The people he's running against find out and tee off of this poor guy's reputation. next thing you know the CBC gets a hold of this, and it's open season on guy's who sleep around.
 so this "expert panel" of super conservative middle class house wives gets together and hauls in 1 liberal-ish man to " add balance" to the discussion.  The women spent the better part of the show pining for the 1930's  leave it to beaver family model  saying that there's no excuse for this man's actions. Well you know what, i say props to the guy for Givin' it to the beaver!  and the guy on the panel agreed with me. he's a 30 year old who's not commited to a relationship, so why not have sex with other people?  He's allowed, he's not hurting anybody.

 so here are the questions i ask about this situation:
1) now that the media is in a frenzy over this, did anybody stop and ask his "partner" how she felt about the situation?  the press has spent the better part of 2 days dragging this guy through the mud, saying he's a dog and unable to do his job properly because of hi actions. Has anybody from the press actually asked anybody involved in the situation to comment, or is this all speculation?
2) WHO CARES???  is the new's that fucking slow today that you have to tell me that the mayoral candidate for toronto fucked his secretary??? dude! I fuck my secretary, i don't make the news.  but let me tell you it should make the news, if this guy gets front page coverage for banging a 20 year old broad, i'm gunnin' for the front page of the Times! I'll bring the cleaner in for a threesome if that helps.

 all i'm saying is the hairy legged left wing dykes that run the CBC should find a real story to report on, and leave the sexual adventures of a 30year old man to HBO, at least they'll have better film quality.

1 comment:

  1. yea he's not married... sounds like a normal dude to me. get it where and when you can.
